Senior Management – A Lonely Role

Some time ago I was speaking with a Senior Executive from a local organisation. Our conversation moved to Life and Executive Coaching and of course the usual question; “what’s that all about?”. I set about explaining the concept of Coaching and when I finished he paused for a while and then said “I could do with that”. Of course I was thrilled to have a new client, but I was really amazed by his reason for opting to be coached.

He said that the position he holds (Managing Director) is an extremely lonely place, particularly in the current climate. He said that his staff were turning to him for security while the Board was putting him under pressure for the performance of the business. His big issue was; “Who does the MD/CEO turn to?” It was an eye opening question.

In the current economic climate, many senior executives are under pressure from all sides; staff want reassurances regarding job security, Boards want to see the business survive, maintain efficiencies, cut costs and make a profit and it falls to the senior executives to make it happen. With such pressure, it can be easy to lose focus or even to burn out. This is the last thing any organisation wants. Yet many fail to grasp the importance of helping the CEO (including the CEO!).

In business, we tend to see Senior Managers (not just CEOs and MDs) as strong people, captains of our organisational ship. We expect them to be focused on what affects us; namely, Security in the case of workers and, Return on our Investments in the case of the shareholders. Our business leaders must be stoic in the face of adversity, never flustered, always forward looking and able to deal with the immense pressures of their roles. After all, they are Senior Managers and they are being paid accordingly. We forget that these same managers are people. They are prone to the same worries and stresses that us mere mortals have. The only problem is; Senior Managers can feel that they are adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Alone. Many expectations from all angles and no one to share their personal worries with in case it shows weakness.

There is a solution though; Executive Coaching and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). Coaching is a non-directive process that enables clients to take stock of their current situation (both in their private and working lives) and to re-focus and take control of their situation in a very proactive and effective way. NLP is a process that assists in meeting the desired outcomes by identifying barriers or obstacles (particularly unconscious ones) that are holding the client back.

Through the process, clients can set a new course that will ensure a new energy, greater awareness and openness to possibilities as well as a much more positive approach to the task at hand.

Basically the Coaching process will keep executives at all levels at the top of their game, which will have a positive impact on everyone in the organisation. We all know that if the boss is happy, everyone can be happy, right?

It is more common to hire a business coach to help analyse operational issues. However, companies should also begin to look at bringing in Executive Coaches for their senior staff. Suitably qualified and experienced Executive Coaches provide the safe space for Senior Managers to explore their situation. A great Executive Coach will be that “Who does the MD/CEO turn to?” person. They will be able to use tools and techniques from their Coaching/NLP/EQ and other Behavioural training as well as bringing their own commercial experience to the relationship so that they can ask the right questions and create the ideal environment for the Senior Manager.

In the Coaching environment, the Senior Manager has a safe space to vent their frustrations or concerns or fears. It is also an environment where these same managers can explore options to overcome these obstacles. The Coaching space is a place where the client is not facing the issues alone (the Coach is there to help them). It is a space where options can be explored in confidence and confidentiality. And the result?

Fears, frustrations, stresses and obstacles are effectively dealt with. Senior Managers develop the skills to deal with the issues they encounter and, more importantly they discover a space where they can release the pressures of their senior roles.

If you are a Senior Manager, can you afford NOT to have this life line available to you and your senior team?

InnoChan Solutions can help. With considerable commercial experience, who better will understand the pressures that today’s executives are experiencing. Using the change techniques mentioned earlier, you can retain your staff, improve performance and look to the future with confidence. Senior managers work hard, but they should have somewhere they can turn to when the going gets tough and the pressure becomes too much to handle.

Many of the world’s largest companies have already recognised the benefits of making Executive Coaches available for their Senior teams. This ensures the retention and development of the best minds in business. Don’t you deserve the same?

So what’s stopping you?

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